Volume 23, Issue 3 (IJIEPM 2012)                   2012, 23(3): 293-302 | Back to browse issues page

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Optimization of Total Cost of Production and Time in Three-Machine Robotic Cell. Journal title 2012; 23 (3) :293-302
URL: http://ijiepm.iust.ac.ir/article-1-949-en.html
Abstract:   (11903 Views)
In this research, robotic cell scheduling problem with three CNC machines and with an operation on each machine with the purpose of optimizing manufacturing cost and time in S1 cycle has been investigated. To obtain the optimal total cost of production has been used the optimal processing time on machine operation. In this research, robotic cell scheduling is studied in three different situations. In the first situation the optimal processing time of operation in each machine, are on the lower bound. In the second situation the optimal processing time of operation in each machine, are on the upper bound.  In The third situation  the Optimal processing time of operation in each machine, are  between upper bound and lower bound.The next step in this research is proposing solving approaches for the problems mentioned above.the Lagrange method is used, To solve this problem. The most important result of this research is modeling and solving scheduling problem for three-machine robotic cell in three different situations and finding optimized answers for the cost and time. It should be mentioned that in the literature, robotic cell scheduling problem for optimization of manufacturing cost and time is only solved and modeled for two-machine situation.
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