Volume 22, Issue 3 (IJIEPM 2011)                   2011, 22(3): 293-302 | Back to browse issues page

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Nikbakhsh E, Nahavandi N, Zegordi S H. Goal Programming Approach to the Bi-Objective Competitive Flow-Capturing Location-Allocation Problem. Journal title 2011; 22 (3) :293-302
URL: http://ijiepm.iust.ac.ir/article-1-738-en.html
is an assistant professor in the Departement of Industrial Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, Tarbiat Modares University, , n_nahavandi@modares.ac.ir
Abstract:   (5745 Views)

  Majority of models in location literature are based on assumptions such as point demand, absence of competitors, as well as monopoly in location, products, and services. However in real-world applications, these assumptions are not well-matched with reality. In this study, a new mixed integer nonlinear programming model based on weighted goal programming approach is proposed to maximize the captured demand while minimizing the fixed costs of locating new facilities. To make the proposed model optimization simple, the proposed model is linearized using proper modeling techniques. Although goal programming method does not ensure obtaining Pareto-optimal solutions, solving a numerical example demonstrates the possibility of obtaining Pareto-optimal solutions for the research problem besides higher speed of the classical branch & bound method in obtaining the optimal solution in comparison to the conventional single objective model .

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Type of Study: Research | Subject: Other related Industrial and production reserach subjects in which has direct relation to the state-of-the art of the IE
Received: 2011/12/11 | Accepted: 2013/07/15 | Published: 2013/07/15

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