Volume 23, Issue 4 (IJIEPM 2013)                   2013, 23(4): 389-400 | Back to browse issues page

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Moslehi G, hakimian A, Abouei Ardakan M. Minimizing the Number of Tardy Jobs in a Two-Machine flowshop problem with Non-Simultaneous Job Entrance . Journal title 2013; 23 (4) :389-400
URL: http://ijiepm.iust.ac.ir/article-1-564-en.html
Isfahan University of Technology , moslehi@cc.iut.ac.ir
Abstract:   (9955 Views)
In this paper, minimizing the number of tardy jobs in two-machine flowshop scheduling with non-simultaneous job entrance is discussed. It is proven that the complexity of the problem is NP_hard. Therefore, a heuristic algorithm is proposed to solve the large scale problems. Besides, an exact branch and bound algorithm with utilizing heuristic algorithm as upper bound proposed to achieve optimal solution. Computational results demonstrate that branch and bound method solves problems with 28 jobs in the set High and 20 jobs in the set Low in a reasonable time. Results show the capability of the proposed upper bound, lower bounds and dominance rules. Also, it is shown that the average ratio of optimal solution to the heuristic one with the objective ∑(1-Ui) is at most 1.11 which is smaller in contrast with other researches in the literature. This ratio proves efficacy of the proposed heuristic algorithm. Finally, according to efficiency of the presented approach, sample problems with large dimensions were solved and their results were displayed.
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Type of Study: Research | Subject: Operations Managment
Received: 2011/05/8 | Published: 2013/02/15

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