بیوگرافی دکتر نورالسناء





  Address: Phone

 Industrial Engineering Department Office: 77240540-50 Ext. 3017

 Iran University of Science & Technology Dept: 7724 0484

 University Avenue Fax : 7724 0482

 Tehran, Iran 16846-13114 E-mail: rassoul@iust.ac.ir


  Academic Background

 Ph.D. in Applied Statistics, University of Louisiana, December 1990.

 Dissertation Topic: “An Empirical Bayes Approach to Statistical Process Control.”

 B.S. and M.S. in Engineering, Louisiana State University, 1982 and 1986.


  Professional Experience

 Full Professor

 Industrial Engineering Department,

 Iran University of Science & Technology

 2005 - Present.


 Associate Professor

 Industrial Engineering Department

 Iran University of Science & Technology

 2000 - 2005.


 Assistant Professor

 Industrial Engineering Department

 Iran University of Science & Technology

 1992 - 2000.


Assistant Professor

 Management Department

 University of Southeastern Louisiana

 1990 -1992.


  Courses Taught

 Courses taught at graduate and undergraduate levels include Statistical Quality Control, Advanced Quality Control, Applied Multivariate Analysis, Design and Analysis of Experiments, Time Series Analysis, Total Quality Management, Engineering Statistics, and Business Statistics.



 ASQ Certified Six Sigma Black Belt – Certificate No. 2942

 ASQ Certified Quality Engineer - Certificate No. 47106

  Publications ( Journals )

  1. Yousry, M.A., Strum, G.W., Feltz, C.J., and Noorossana, R. (1990), “Process Monitoring in Real Time: Empirical Bayes Approach-Discrete Case,” Journal of Quality and Reliability Engineering International, Vol. 7, 123-132. ( ISI Indexed )
  2. Noorossana, R., Nojavan, M. (1998), “A Mathematical Model for Optimization of the Zone Control Chart,” International Journal of Engineering Science, Vol. 9, pp 25-33.
  3. Noorossana, R. (2001), “A Combined Multiple Regression – Time Series Approach to Process Capability Analysis When Data Are Autocorrelated,” International Journal of Engineering Science, Vol. 12, No. 3, pp 11-19.
  4. Noorossana, R. (2002), “Process Capability Analysis in the Presence of Autocorrelation,” Journal of Quality and Reliability Engineering International, Vol. 18, pp75-77. ( ISI Indexed )
  5. Noorossana, R., Woodall, W.H., and Amiriparian, M (2002), “On the Economic Designs of the Multivariate Control Charts,” Communications in Statistics – Theory and Methods, Vol. 31, No. 9, pp 1665-1673. ( ISI Indexed )
  6. Noorossana, R. and Alemzad, A. H. (2003), “Quality Improvement Through Multiple Response Optimization,” International Journal of Engineering, Vol. 16, No. 1, pp 49-58.
  7. Noorossana, R., Farokhi, M., and Saghaie, A. (2003), “Using Networks to Detect and Classify Out-of-Control Signals in Autocorrelated Processes,” Journal of Quality and Reliability Engineering International, Vol. 19, pp 493-504. ( ISI Indexed )
  8. Noorossana, R. and Jafari, D. (2004), “Quality Function Deployment in Fuzzy Environment,” Journal of Science and Technology, Vol. 15, No. 57-D.
  9. Noorossana, R. and Vaghefi S. M. J. (2005), “Effect of Autocorrelation on the Performance of MCUSUM Control Charts,” Journal of Quality and Reliability Engineering International, Vol. 22. ( ISI Indexed )
  10. Raissi, S. and Noorossana, R. (2005) “Estimating Process Capability Indices Using Ridge Regression,” Journal of Industrial Engineering International, Vol. 1, No. 1, pp. 20-27.
  11. Noorossana, R. and Lotfi M.R., (2005) “A Heuristic Method for Comparing the Distribution of Two Quality Characteristics,” International Journal of Engineering Science, Vol. 15, pp. 173-182.
  12. Noorossana, R. and M.J., and Soltanpanah, H. (2005), “Developing a Method for Determining the Function for Decision Making and Appling it in Multi-response Optimizatio,” International Journal of Engineering Science, Vol. 15, pp. 221-233.
  13. Valmohamadi, Ch., Najmi, M, and Noorossana, R. (2005), “TQM and ISO 9000:2000, A Comparative Study,” Moddares Engineering Journal, Vol. 36 , pp. 181-211
  14. Noorossana, R., Asgharpour, M.J., and Nasiri, Z. (2006), "Prioritizing Customer Requirements in QFD" International Journal of Engineering Science, Vol. 2, pp. 21-27.
  15. Noorosana, R. and Safari, J, (2006) “Analysis of Mean with Non-normal Data,” Journal of Science and Technology, No. 65, pp. 11-20.
  16. Noorossana, R. and Saraei, A. (2006), ”Economic-Statistical Design of Multivariate Projection Pursuit Cumulative Sum Control Chart” International Journal of Engineering Science, No. 6, Vol. 17, pp. 79-84.
  17. Noorossana, R., Kazemzadeh, R.B. and Karbasian, M. (2007), "Economic Optimization of R2R Control process Based on Residual Control Chart", International Journal of Engineering Science, Vol. 4, pp. 33-43.
  18. Kazemzadeh, R.B., Noorossana, R., and Karbasian, M. (2007), “optimum Estimation of Weight Parameters of EWMA and Double EWMA Control Charts by MCDM, International Journal of Engineering Science, No. 2, Vol. 17, pp. 31-35.
  19. Noorossana, R. and Seyedaliakbar, S.M. (2007), "On the Multivariate Variation Control Chart", Journal of Industrial Engineering International, Vol. 3, No. 4, pp. 59-66.
  20. Noorossana, R. and Rabbani, E. (2007), “Multiresponse Optimization Using Heuristic Methods,” Management Journal, Vol. 1, pp. 1-12.
  21. Noorossana, R. Saghaei, A., Paynabar, K., Samimi, Y. (2007),”On the Conditional Decision Procedure for High Yield Processes,” Computers and Industrial Engineering, Vol. 53, No. 3., pp. 469-477. ( ISI Indexed )
  22. Noorossana, R., Amiri, A., and Soleimani, P. (2008), "On the Monitoring of Autocorrelated Linear Profiles", Communications in Statistics – Theory and Methods, Vol. 37, No.3, pp.425-442. ( ISI Indexed )
  23. Kazemzadeh, R.B., Bashiri, M, Atkinson, A.C., and Noorossana, R., (2008) “A General Framework for Multiresponse Optimization Problems Based on Goal Programming“, European Journal of Operational Research, Vol. 189, Issue 2, pp. 421-429. ( ISI Indexed )
  24. Ardakani, M.K. and Noorossana, R. ,(2008), “A New Optimization Criterion for Robust Parameter Design — The Case of Target is Best,” Published on line, International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing. ( ISI Indexed )
  25. Saghaei, A., Noorossana, R., Samimi, Y., Peynabar, K., “Effect of Sensitizing Rules on the Performance of X and MR Charts“ To appear in International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing. ( ISI Indexed )
  26. Noorossana, R. and Shadman, A.,” Estimating the Change Point of a Normal Process Mean with a Monotonic Change,” Journal of Quality and Reliability Engineering International, pp. ( ISI Indexed )
  27. Kazemzadeh, R.B., Noorossana, R., and Amiri, A. (2008),” Phase I Monitoring Polynomial Profiles”, Communications in Statistics – Theory and Methods, 37: 1671-1686. ( ISI Indexed )
  28. Kazemzadeh, R.B., Noorossana, R., and Amiri, A., Statistical Monitoring of Polynomial Profiles in Quality Control Applications ,” To appear in International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing. ( ISI Indexed )
  29. Noorossana, R., Saghaei, A., Ahmadzadeh, F. (2009), ”Identifying the Time of a Step Change Using a Combined MEWMA Control Chart and Artificial Neural Networks Approach”, To appear in the Journal of Industrial Engineering International.
  30. Noorossana, R., Tajbakhsh, S.D., and Saghaei, A. (2009), “An Artificial Neural Network Approach to Multiple Response Optimization,” To appear in the International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing. ( ISI Indexed )
  31. Niyavarani, M. R. and Noorossana, R. (2009), “Three New Process Capability Indices,” To appear in Communications in Statistics - Theory and Methods, ( ISI Indexed )
  32. Noorossana, R., Saghaei, A., Paynabar, K., Samimi, Y. (2009),”Identifying the Period of Change in High Yield Processes,” To appear in Quality and Reliability Engineering International. ( ISI Indexed )
  33. Soleimani, P., Noorossana, R., and Amiri, A. (2009), "Simple Linear Profile Monitoring in the Presence of Within Profile Autocorrelation", To appear in Computers and Industrial Engineering ( ISI Indexed )
  34. Noorossana, R., Saghaei, A., Shadalouei, F., and Samimi, Y. (2009), “Customer Satisfaction Measurement in Higher Education Institutions,” Journal of
  35. Memariani, , Noorossana, R., and Sharifi, M. (2009), “Real Time Study of a k-out-of-n System: n Identical Elements with Constant Fuzzy Failure Rates”, To Appear in International Journal of General Systems ( ISI Indexed )
  36. Memariani, , Noorossana, R., and Sharifi, M. (2009), “Real Time Study of a k-out-of-n System: n Identical Elements with Increasing Failure Rates”, To Appear in Iranian Operations Research Journal .
  37. Kamali Ardakani, M, R. Noorossana, and S.T.A. Niaki (2009), "Robust Parameter Design Using Weighted Metric Method," International Journal of Applied Mathematic and Computer Science, Vol. 19, No. 1 ( ISI Indexed )
  38. Vaghefi, A., Tajbakhsh, S. D., and noorossana, R., “Phase II Monitoring of Nonlinear Profiles,” to Appear in Communications in Statistics – Theory and Methods, ( ISI Indexed )
  39. Noorossana, R. and Sadeghi, A,“An SPC Approach to Compensate for Trends on P-Charts,” To Appear in International Journal of Engineering Science.
  40. Noorossana, R., Eyvazian, M, and Vaghefi, A., “Phase II Monitoring of Multivariate Linear Profiles,” Submitted to the Journal of Quality Technology. ( ISI Indexed )
  41. Noorossana, R., Eyvazian, M, and Vaghefi, A., “Phase I Monitoring of Multivariate Linear Profiles,” Journal of Computers and Industrial Engineering ( ISI Indexed )
  42. Noorossana, R., Eyvazian, M, Amiri, A., and Mahmoud, M. “Phase I Monitoring of Multivariate Multiple Linear Profiles,” Submitted to Journal of Quality and Reliability Engineering International ( ISI Indexed )
  43. Noorossana, R. and Eyvazian, “Phase II Monitoring of Multivariate Multiple Linear Profiles,” Submitted to Communications in Statistics – Theory and Methods ( ISI Indexed )


  Publications ( Conferences )

  1. Nojavan, M., and Noorossana (1997), “A General Model for the Zone Control Chart,” Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Quality and Reliablility, 183-189, Hong Kong.

  2. Noorossana, R. and Nobar, H. (1998), “How Quality Function Deployment Improves Quality at a Medical Plants Facility,” Proceedings of the 4th Iranian International Statistics Conference, 62-68, Iran.

  3. Noorossana, R. (1999), “Process Capability Analysis in the Presence of Autocorrelation,” Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Reliability, Maintainability, and Safety, 618-623, China.

  4. Noorossana, R., Kourdbacheh, N., and Jaami,M. (2000), “Quality Improvement in Food Industry Using QFD” Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Quality Management, Iran.

  5. Noorossana, R. and Nazemi, J. (2000), “Improving Delivery and Product Quality in the Automotive Industry,” Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Quality Management, Iran.

  6. Noorossana, R. and Raissi, S. (2000), “Statistical Methods for Evaluation of Manufacturing Processes,” Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Applied Mathematics, 337-350, Iran.

  7. Noorossana, R. and Rassaeian, M. (2000), “An Experimental Design Approach to Reworks Reduction in Assembly Lines,” Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Quality Management, Iran.

  8. Noorossana, R. and Saghaie, A. (2000), “Improving Performance of Control Charts for correlated Data,” Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Quality Management, Iran.

  9. Noorossana, R. and Poursamimi, J. (2000), “What is the Impact of ISO 9000 Certification on the Performance?," Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Quality Management, Iran.

  10. Noorossana, R. and Kiani, H. (2000), “How to Plan for Research Monitoring and Evaluation Using Pre-Determined Indices,” Proceedings of the 1st Research Conference, Iran.

  11. Noorossana, R. and Alemzad, A. H. (2001), “Simultaneous Optimization of Several Responses in Casting Industry,” Proceedings of the First Quality Management Conference in Casting Industry, Tehran, Iran.

  12. Noorossana, R. (2001), “Improving Battery Performance Using Design of Experiments,” Proceeding of the First Battery Conference, Tehran, Iran.

  13. Alemzad, A. H. and Noorossana, R. (2001), “An Application of Experimental Design in Value Engineering,” Proceedings of the First Value Engineering Conference, Tehran, Iran.

  14. Noorossana, R. and Ebrahimi, D., (2002), “Customer Orientation: The First Step in Quality Improvement ,” Proceedings of the 3rd International Quality Managers Conference, Iran.

  15. Noorossana, R. and Saghaie, A., (2002), “Fuzzy Time Series Analysis,” Proceedings of the 6th Iranian International Statistics Conference, Iran.

  16. Noorossana, R. and Lotfi M.R., (2002), “An Emperical Bayes Approach to Statistical Process Control,” Proceedings of the 6th Iranian International Statistics Conference, Iran.

  17. Noorossana, R. and Soltanpanah, H., (2002), “Multiresponse Optimization in Quality Control Using Respose Surface Methodology,” Proceedings of the 6th Iranian International Statistics Conference, Iran.

  18. Noorossana, R. and Saghaie, A. (2002), “Using Neural Networks for Autocorrelated Processes,” QMOD Conference, Korea.

  19. Noorossana, R., Saghaie, A., and Paynabar, K. (2002), “Processes with Very Low Nonconformty Levels,” 1st Annual Quality Congress, Tehran, Iran.

  20. Noorossana, R., Saghaie, A., and Paynabar, K. (2002), “Fuzzy Control Charts – Pros and Cons,” 1st Annual Quality Congress, Tehran, Iran.

  21. Noorossana, R., Saghaie, A., and Paynabar, K. (2003), “Enhancing the Performance of Geometric Control Charts Using Neural Networks,” Industrial Engineering Conference, Yazd, Iran.

  22. Asgharpour, M.J., Noorossana, R., and Nasiri, Z. (2003),“Prioritizing Customer Requirements in QFD,” Industrial Engineering Conference, Yazd, Iran.

  23. Najmi, M., Noorossana, R., and Valmohammadi, Ch. (2003), “A Comparative Study Between ISO 9000:2000 and TQM,” International Management Conference, Tehran, Iran.

  24. Noorossana, R., Vaghefi, A., Amiri, A.H., Roghanian, H. (2004), “Monitoring Quality Characteristics Using Linear Profiles,” Proceeding of the Second International Industrial Engineering Conference, Tehran, Iran.

  25. Noorossana, R., Fatholah, A., and Sabzehparvar, A. (2004), “Lean Six Sigma: An Improvement Approach for the third Millennium,” Proceeding of the Second International Industrial Engineering Conference, Tehran, Iran.

  26. Noorossana, R., Vaghefi, A., Amiri, A.H. (2004), “Effect of Non-Normality on the Performance of Linear Profiles,” Second International Industrial Engineering Conference, Riyadh, Saudi Arabia.

  27. Noorossana, R., Abdi, S., Saghaei, A., and Peynabar, K., (2005), "Identifying the Time of Step Change in High Yield Processes," Proceedings of the Fourth International Industrial Engineering Conference, Tehran, Iran.

  28. Noorossana, R., Alaedini, A., (2005), "A New Approach for Monitoring Non-Linear Profiles," Proceedings of the Fourth International Industrial Engineering Conference, Tehran, Iran.

  29. Noorossana, R., Nikbaksh, J., Peynabar, K., and Ismaeili, H., (2005), "A Review of the Shortcomings of Individual Observations Control Charts," Proceedings of the Fourth International Industrial Engineering Conference, Tehran, Iran.

  30. Noorossana, R., Vaghefi, A., Saghaei, A., and Ismaeili, H., (2005), "Evaluating Performance of Control Charts in Monitoring Non-Linear Profiles in Phase I," Proceedings of the Fourth International Industrial Engineering Conference, Tehran, Iran.

  31. Noorossana, R., Peynabar, K., and Arbabzadeh, N., "A Review of Geometric Control Chart in Monitoring High Yield Processes," Proceedings of the Fourth International Industrial Engineering Conference, Tehran, Iran.

  32. Noorossana, R. and Saraei, A., (2005), "A Fuzzy-Multivariate Cumulative Sum Control Chart for Monitoring Investment Performance", proceedings of the 35th International Computer and Industrial Engineering Conference, Turkey.

  33. Noorossana, R. and Tajbaksh, S.D., (2006), "Important Issues in Multiple Response Optimization", Proceedings of the Fourth International Management Conference, Tehran, Iran.

  34. Noorossana, R. and Alaghehband, A., and Razavi, M.(2007), "Determining Relative Efficiency of Human Resource in Electric Companies Using Data Envelop Analysis," Proceedings of the Third on Performance Management, International Management Conference, Tehran, Iran.

  35. Kazemzadeh, R.B., Noorossana, R., and Amiri, A. (2007),”Phase II Monitoring of Polynomial Profiles,” Proceedings of the 37th International Conference on Computers and Industrial Engineering, Alexandria, Egypt.

  36. Soleimoni, P., Noorossana, R., and Saghaei, A. (2007), “Effect of Autocorrelation on the Performance of Linear Profiles,” Proceedings of the 37th International Conference on Computers and Industrial Engineering, Alexandria, Egypt.

  37. Noorossana, R. and Vaghefi, A., (2007), “The Effect of Undetected Shifts on the Inertial Properties of EWMA Control Charts,” Proceedings of the 37th International Conference on Computers and Industrial Engineering, Alexandria, Egypt.

  38. Noorossana, R. and Ardakani, M.K., (2007), “On the Robust Parameter Design,” Proceedings of the 37th International Conference on Computers and Industrial Engineering, Alexandria, Egypt.

  39. Nayeri, M.A., Noorossana, R., Haghighi, M., and Peynabar, K., (2007), “Economic Statistical Design of T2 Control Charts for Systems with Gamma( ,2) in-Control Times,” Proceedings of the 37th International Conference on Computers and Industrial Engineering, Alexandria, Egypt.

  40. Kazemzadeh, R.B., Noorossana, R., and Amiri, A. (2007),” Statistical Monitoring of Autocorrelated Polynomial Profiles ," Proceedings of the 9th Islamic Countries Conference on Statistical Sciences, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.

  41. Noorossana, R. and Peynabar, K. (2007),” Application of Lean Six Sigma in Public Sector,” Proceedings of the First Lean Six Sigma Congress, Tehran, Iran.

  42. Noorossana, R., Farokhi, S., and Ahmadi, M. (2007), “Enhancement of the Strategic Map and Target Setting Using Statistical Models,” Proceedings of the First Balanced Scorecard Conference, Tehran, Iran.

  43. Noorossana, R. and Rabani, A. (2007), “A Meta-heuristic Approach to Multiresponse Optimization”, Proceedings of the Fifth Management Conference, Tehran, Iran.

  44. Noorossana, R., Hadian, Z., Shadalouee, F., and Samimi, Y.(2007), “A Case Study on Customer Satisfaction Measurement in Higher Education”, Proceedings of the Fifth Management Conference, Tehran, Iran.


  45. Kazemzadeh, R.B., Noorossana, R., Amiri, A. (2007), “Statistical Monitoring of Autocorrelated Polynomial Profiles”, Proceedings of the 9th Islamic Countries Conference on Statistical Sciences. Shah Alam, Malaysia, December 12-14, 2007.

  46. Noorossana, R., Shekari, M., and Azadeh, N. (2008), "Six Sigma; a Remedy in Healthcare," Proceedings of the Second International Six Sigma Congress, Tehran, Iran.

  47. Vaghefi, A., Noorossana, R., and Evazian, M. (2008), “Applications of Discrete Events Simulation in Lean Six Sigma Projects,” Proceedings of the Second International Six Sigma Congress, Tehran, Iran.

  48. Noorossana, R. and Shahsavari, N. (2008), “Determining Relationships Among Six Sigma Critical Success Factors Using Digraph,” Proceedings of the Second International Six Sigma Congress, Tehran, Iran.

  49. Noorossana, R. Taghizadeh, H. A. (2008), “Using Six Sigma as an Approach to Support Mission and Strategy,” Proceedings of the Second International Six Sigma Congress, Tehran, Iran.

  50. Kazemzadeh, Noorossana, R, Amiri, A, and Ardakani, M.K. (2008), “Process Optimization When Response is a Simple Linear Regression,” The 38th International Conference on Computers and Industrial Engineering, China.

  51. Kazemzadeh, R.B., Noorossana, R., and Amiri, A. (2008), “An Application of Phase I Polynomial Profiles Monitoring in Automotive Industry,” The 38th International Conference on Computers and Industrial Engineering, China.

  52. Saghaei, A., Noorossana, R., Eyvazian, M., Vaghefi, A. (2008), “Statistical Monitoring of Multivariate Linear Profiles,” The 8th International Industrial Engineering and Engineering Management Conference, Singapore.

  53. Noorossana, R., Vaghefi, Dorri, M. (2008),”Effect of Non-normality on the Performance of Linear Profile Monitoring, The 8th International Industrial Engineering and Engineering Management Conference, Singapore.

  54. Noorossana, R. and Heydari, M. (2008), “Identifying the Time of a Linear Change in a Normal Process Variance with a Linear Trend Disturbance,” The 8th International Industrial Engineering and Engineering Management Conference, Singapore.

  55. Ahmadzadeh, P. and Noorossana, R. (2008),” Identifying the Time of a Change,” The 8th International Industrial Engineering and Engineering Management Conference, Singapore.

  56. Noorossana, R. and Abbasian, R. (2008),”The Effect of Autocorrelation on the Inertial Property of Control Chart,” The 9th Statistical Conference, Isfahan, Iran.

  57. Kazemzadeh, R.B., Noorossana, R., and Amiri, A. (2008), “Evaluation of the Control Charts Performances on the Identification of the Outliers in Phase I Monitoring of Polynomial Profiles,” The 9th Statistical Conference, Isfahan, Iran.

  58. Noorossana, R., Rabbani, A. (2008), “Multiresponse Optimization Containing Quantitative responses Using Mean and Variance of Each Response ,” The 6th International Management Conference, Tehran, Iran.

  59. Noorossana, R., Piroozfar, S., and S. F. Golriz Gashti (2008), “Customer and Product Liability,” The 6th International Management Conference, Tehran, Iran.

  60. Noorossana, R., Piroozfar, S., and S. F. Golriz Gashti (2008), “Customer and Product Liability,” The 6th International Management Conference, Tehran, Iran.

  61. Noorossana, R. and Ahmadzadef, F. (2008), “Identifying The Time of a Step Change With MEWMA Control Charts Using Artificial Neural Network”, Proceedings of the IEEE IEEM, Singapore.

  62. Noorossana, R., Vaghefi, A., and Dorri, M. (2008), “The Effect of Non-normality on Performance of Linear Profile Monitoring”, Proceedings of the IEEE IEEM, Singapore.

  63. Saghaei, A., Noorossana, R., Eyvazian, M., and Vaghefi, A. (2008), “Statistical Monitoring of Multivariate Linear Profiles”, Proceedings of the IEEE IEEM, Singapore.

  64. Noorossana, R., Saghaei, A., and Moghadam, N. (2008), “Six Sigma, The New Improvement Methodology in Healthcare,” The 1st Hospital Management Conference, Kish, Iran.


  Publications ( Books ):

  1. Noorossana, R. (1998), Introduction to Statistical Quality Control, Iran University of Science and Technology Press (Award Winner).
  2. Noorossana, R. (2000), Introduction to Design of Experiments, Institute of Industrial Management Press.
  3. Noorossana, R., Salehipour, A., and Saghaei, A. (2004), What is Six Sigma?, Iran University of Science and Technology Press.
  4. Noorossana, R. and Saghaei, A.(2005), What is Lean Six Sigma?, Termeh Press.
  5. Noorossana, R., Saghaei, A., and Evazian, M. (2005), Six Sigma with Minitab, Termeh Press.
  6. Noorossana, R. (2006), Design and Analysis of Experiments, Iran University of Science and Technology Press.
  7. Saghaei, A. and Noorossana, R. (2007), Probability and Statistics in Cartoon, Termeh Press.
  8. Noorossana, R. (2008), Introduction to Design and Analysis of Experiments, Iran University of Science and Technology Press.
  9. Noorossana, R., Saghaei, A., and Amiri, A. (2008), Design for Six Sigma, Termeh Press.



 Journal of Industrial Engineering International, Iran.


  Referee (Journals)

  1. International Journal of Engineering Science (Also Book Reviewer), Iran.
  2. International Journal of Engineering, Iran.
  3. Journal of Industrial Engineering International, Iran.
  4. International Journal of Science, Iran.
  5. Quality and Reliability Engineering International, England.


  Professional Society Memberships:

  1. American Society for Quality.
  2. American Statistical Association.
  3. Iranian Society for Quality (Founding Member).
  4. Iranian Institute of Industrial Engineering.
  5. Iranian Statistical Society.

دفعات مشاهده: 9614 بار   |   دفعات چاپ: 1903 بار   |   دفعات ارسال به دیگران: 344 بار   |   0 نظر

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