Volume 22, Issue 4 (IJIEPM 2012)                   2012, 22(4): 393-404 | Back to browse issues page

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Extension of the Maximal Covering Location-Allocation Model for Congested System in the Competitive and User-Choice Environment. Journal title 2012; 22 (4) :393-404
URL: http://ijiepm.iust.ac.ir/article-1-809-en.html
Abstract:   (24096 Views)
The main objective of facilities location and service system design is covering of potential customers demand. Many location models are extended with the covering objective and considered constraints, details of problem and its different aspects. In this paper the maximal covering location-allocation model for congested system is extended in the competitive environment. In the proposed model, several important characteristics such as spatial interaction model, congestion, the competitive user-choice environment and probabilistic demand are considered. The objective of the model is maximization of the demand captured by each facility in the competitive environment. The optimization software of lingo 8 and the genetic algorithm are used for solving the small-size problems. Due to the complexity of problem and its nonlinear nature, the software of lingo 8 cant solved the large-size problems and the genetic algorithm is applied to solve the larger size problems. Numerical results verify the effectiveness of proposed algorithm for solving the model and show that the use of queuing theory in service system design can improve different service strategies, promote organization’s business process and increase customers satisfaction.
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