Volume 20, Issue 3 (International Journal of Industrial Eng. & Production Research Urban Planning 2009)                   2009, 20(3): 55-64 | Back to browse issues page

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, taghizadeh46@yahoo.com
Abstract:   (13156 Views)
According to researches, one of the productivity barriers among many organizations is assembly line balancing problem, which needs scientific models to be solved. This paper examines the effect of line balancing on the functioning of assembly line in two sections. In the first section, after studying the theoretic bases and reviewing the literature, we have discussed the assembly concepts, different types of assembly line balancing problems, assumptions, optimizing criteria and methods of solving the problems. In the second section, two heuristic algorithms, ranked positional weight and longest candidate rules (LCR), have been used to balance the assembly line of Urmia Tractor Manufacturing Company. By comparing the criteria of cycle time, line balancing efficiency, smoothness index, balance delay, cost saving, portion of fixed cost for each product, margin of safety and unused capacity for the two states before and after balancing, the effect of line balancing on the function of assembly line has been defined.
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